5 Things You Should Know About SAP Calculations
SAP calculation is a method of calculating the energy performance of the dwelling. SAP stand for Standard Assessment Procedure. When a building passes the assessment, it receives an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). SAP calculations in London play an essential role in designing a new home. It is because SAP rating is required for all the new homes under Part L of the building regulations since 1995. If it sounds complicated to you, don’t worry. In this column, we have compiled few essential things that people should know about the SAP assessment. 1. The SAP calculation is based on various factors like the element of the structure, heating system, internal lighting, and renewable technologies used in the home. SAP calculation indicates a score from 1 to 100+ for annual energy cost.100 represents zero energy cost. 2. There are two types of SAP assessment. The first is At-the Design Stage. ...