Handy Checklist To Pass The SAP Assessment

SAP is the official methodology used by the government to assess the energy efficiency rating of a new or existing residential building. It stands for Standard Assessment Procedure. SAP is a mandatory requirement of Building Regulations Part L for energy performance certificate (EPC). That is why there are many companies offering services for SAP calculation in South London. In this column, we will quickly have a look at a handy SAP checklist to pass the SAP score – 

  • Many people ask about the right timing for a SAP assessment. So, when is the right time for the SAP assessment? Well, the perfect time is at the design stage of the project. Don’t start a project without SAP approval.
  • You can try various models to pass the SAP calculations. Starting with the fabric U-values is a cost-effective method. If you pass the fabric compliance, you will also pass the CO2 compliance. You can also make some improvements to the building’s fabric efficiency.
  • You can install something like a timber frame or lightweight block. It will lower the thermal mass and improve the energy performance of the building. Thermal mass is the capacity of a material to store and absorb heat which boosts the SAP score.
  • Natural light makes the house look more beautiful, and it also reduces the need for artificial lights. Design a building in such a way that all natural light sources should be utilized. It will reduce the dependency on artificial lights. Low energy fittings like LEDs and fluorescent tubes should be included in the internal lighting. It will improve the SAP score.
The final word

As we know that SAP assessment is essential, so one should always rely on the right partner. Therefore, choose cost-effective and high-quality services. It will be helpful for you in meeting the compliance quicker and easier.


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