Activities Responsible for Land Contamination

The usage of harmful substances in industry, horticulture, agriculture has made the land contaminated. The contamination of land has been caused due to chemicals stored and disposed of in a way that is not accepted today. Hence, Contaminated Land Assessment is suggested to check whether the land is suited for agriculture or not.

Generally, some contaminated sites are associated with mentioned-below past activities:

  • Manufacture and Use of pesticides – The sites where pesticides were manufactured and the wider contamination associated with chemicals such as agrichemical sprays.

  • Production of gas and coal products – This includes old gasworks sites located in most towns and cities.

  • Production, storage, and use of petroleum products – This type of contamination is occurred from leaking fuel storage facilities at tank farms and service stations.

  • Timber treatment – In this treatment, pentachlorophenol (PCP) was used as one of the chemical formulations standards at most sawmills and timber treatment plants from the 1950s until 1988.

  • Many of these activities – Another cause can be dieldrin in sheep dips and killing insects in the 1940s to the 1960s. 

A contaminated Land Survey can help in checking the quality of the land. For such assessments and surveys, you can get in touch with Compliance4Buildings.



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