Contaminated Land Assessment Phases—Detailed Review

Contaminated land surveys are considered to ensure that a site or property does not present an objectionable health risk to occupiers and other users or environmental features such as water bodies. Typically, it is needed on the sites where there is a reason that site may have been polluted by contamination from historical industrial processes or waste disposal.

So, when contaminated Land Survey in West London is done, it is conducted in phases. The investigation and remediation are done in four phases.


Site Survey

The first and foremost step is to acquire a good understanding of the site's history, setting, and potential to be affected by contamination. A contaminated land report typically includes desk study research, consultation with the local authority, and a field reconnaissance survey. The desk study and research know evidence of past contaminative activity on a proposed agricultural development. Doing so can create significant business impacts—implying that more intrusive work was required.


Intrusive Investigation

After the desk study, it is established if there is any potential for contamination! In case there is, an intrusive site investigation and refined risk assessment are required. It will also determine whether there are any intolerable risks to people's property or the environment. The assessment can range from soil sampling exercise using hand-dug pits to borehole drilling, soil testing, gas, and groundwater monitoring.



If the investigation reveals any unacceptable risks that the site pose, then remediation or mitigation measures may be required to enable a development project to proceed. Many remediation activities include the clean-up of a site to ensure it is safe for next use.

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Lastly, verification depicts that the remediation acts that are carried out for the remediation's success and it has worked in breaking the pollution linkage—making the site fit for purpose.


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